Main Story, "Renegade": Attuk-5 is a tech, (short for technologically enhanced organism), who is fighting a malicious group known as the Pack, who have taken techs and mutated them into larger, fiercer techs known as x-techs. As the story begins, Attuk-5 finds himself on the run from an x-tech named Torrado...
Extra Comic, "Flashback": Attuk-5 used to be a weapons smuggler, but why did he leave the comfort of his barn? Find out in the extra 4-page comic in the back of Torrado#1!
Written by: Steampunk
Art by: Ivory Ink
Colored, (only eyes and some backgrounds in the Main Story, full color in the Extra Comic), by: Shadez
Lettered by: fineprint
Guest Artist: Retroman
More Information:
Main Story Page Count: 24
Extra Comic Page Count: 4
Whole Comic Page Count: 28
ERRATA: The nurse says "...won't be able so, do to the hole...", which is missing a "to do" after the "able", and the "do" should be "due". The QR Code in the back of the comic doesn't work. The x-tech Torrado is mistakenly referred to as an "x-mech" multiple times.
Deviant Edition: Not Available At This Time
Status: Released
Torrado Issue#2
Main Story, "The Beast": Attuk-5 is locked in a Pack-controlled prison called the Strongbox, as part of a scheme Attuk concocted to make the most out of Torrado's newfound freedom.
Extra Comic, "In Comatose": This isn't the first time Blast-8 and Nattuk-2 have been in a hospital-- except the previous time Blast-8 was the one injured. Explore the parallels between their situations in the extra 4-page comic in the back of Torrado#2!
Written by: Drudgery
Art by: Ivory Ink
Colored by: Shadez
Lettered by: fineprint
Guest Artist: Drawn
More Information:
Main Story Page Count: 24
Extra Comic Page Count: 4
Whole Comic Page Count: 28
Milestone: This issue marks the first time the main story is in full color.
Deviant Edition: Not Available At This Time
Status: Unreleased